Bill G. Marshall was born in Lawton, Oklahoma on August 3, 1956. He was saved in April of 1984 from a life of drug and alcohol addiction. The LORD called him into evangelism in 1989 and he began to preach at every given opportunity. He and his wife, Pam, have been married since August 1978 and have two daughters, Emily and Sara.
Pastor Marshall traveled in evangelism for 16 years before accepting the pastorate at Riverside Baptist Church in January of 2008. The Lord has done great things in the past 12 years, including allowing the church to purchase and remodel the building they now meet in on Mitchell Avenue. The church is growing and very excited about what the Lord is allowing them to accomplish for His glory.
Pastor Marshall has a vision of reaching and helping people in St. Joseph. The church has many outreach programs, including the Refiner's Fire Addiction Recovery Ministry. People need help, and he believes the church is a place that they may receive it. He is a Bible preacher and has a holy hatred for sin. He has a sincere desire to see those that are lost repent of their sin and trust Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. He believes that the world needs to see strong Christians living the victorious life that God has for them. He knows that the preaching and teaching of God's Word will give direction toward that life. He has a desire to lead them that way.